D.C.Regulation 35(4)
Compensatory Floor
Space Index (FSI):-
anything contained in the D.C.Regulations 32, 33 & 34, the Commissioner
may, by special permission, permit fungible compensatory Floor Space Index, not
exceeding 35% for residential development and 20% for Industrial/Commercial
development, over and above admissible Floor Space Index,by charging a premium
at the rate of 60%, 80% and 100% of the Stamp Duty ReadyRecknor Rate, for
Residential, Industrial and Commercial development respectively.
Provided in case
of redevelopment under regulation 33(7),33(9) & 33(10) excludingclause
no.3.11 of Appendix-IV of Development Control Regulation 1991, thefungible
compensatory F.S.I. admissible on rehabilitation component shall be granted
without charging premium.
Provided further
that redevelopment under D.C.regulations no. 33(5) and redevelopment proposal
of existing buildings in suburbs and extended suburbs by availing TDR, the
fungible compensatory F.S.I. admissible on F.S.I. consumed in existing
structure shall be granted without charging premium.
Provided further
that such fungible compensatory FSI for rehabilitation component shall not be
used for free sale component and shall be used to give additional area over and
above eligible area to the existing tenants / occupants.
Provided, that
this regulation shall be applicable in respect of the buildings to be constructed
or reconstructed only.
There are many myths about Fungible FSI, or some people interpret the definition differently in their calculations , my suggestion to all members of housing societies to calculate this Fungible FSI in Toto rather than on individual flats , at the same time the effect of 35% excluding 10% balcony area comes lesser than what people expect of pure 35% on their respective carpet areas.